Headers by: Sophie Dijkman
My Take on Murphy's Law
By: Alexia Radu
If you thought this would one of those overly cheerful travelling pieces (which to be honest would be in line with the Christmas spirit), sorry to disappoint but I’m staying true to the title. From time to time I might indulge some positivity but generally, it’s mostly me giving a truthful account of ‘whatever could have gone wrong, did’. It’s really a matter of perspective here and the truth can never be solely positive or negative, but still, let me complain...
Do you want to continue reading? Click here!
Calendar of December
23.12.19 -
- 03.01.20
GMA #2

Coming up: On Screen
By: Sophie Dijkman & Noa Jansen
In this monthly section I will keep you up to date with new or yet to come Netflix and cinema releases. A selection will be made of movies and series that are, in my opinion, new, different, popular, not so popular and surprising to watch. Do you need a good movie tip or a new Netflix series to binge? You will find them here!
This month will be all about what movies to binge with Christmas… Sophie collaborated with Noa to give you all the must watch new, and classic, Christmas movies. Sit back, grab your blanket, sip on your hot chocolate, and enjoy!

Noa's Confessional
By: Noa Jansen
Noa’s confessional: a place where you can spill the tea and tell all your sins.
In this sacrament, Noa can forgive sins in Off-Screen’s name. With all the crazy stuff happening within Off-Screen’s walls, it was about time for us to have a safe place to tell your most embarrassing, weird, unusual and striking stories for them to be heard by all of us. So from now on, when something special happens to you, you have something on your mind or there’s something else that you really want to share with the rest of Off-Screen, send an email to noa@offscreen.nl, tell me in person or reveal it to me in a dream.
I decided that, just like in a real confessional, everything should be and stay anonymous. And remember, this is a safe place where everyone can come to terms with his/her sins, where judgement is a word that doesn’t belong in our vocabulary, and where we can all enjoy your embarrassing stories.
Check out the first confessions here!

Humans Off-Screen: Season 2
By: Elisa Boulter & Jessie Swart
Welcome to Season 2 of Humans Off Screen! We’re excited to start the season off with Sven Brandenburg and have him answer a few questions while playing a game of fear pong. We hope you enjoy the video! If watching this makes you feel up for a challenge send an email to jessie@offscreen.nl or elisa@offscreen.nl and who knows, maybe you’re the next Off Screener we can get to know!

Camila's Hot News
By: Camila Salcedo

In this monthly section I will share the hottest news of each week of the month. Every month I will summarize and write about news items of the past month that are relevant to this day. This month I wrote about Kylie Jenner selling a big part of her company, the fires in Australia that have made koalas almost extinct, the cancellation of the Victoria's Secret Show and the Black Friday crimes. Do you want to know more? Click here!

Source: @kyliecosmetics

Source: @bryant.andrew

Source: @victoriassecret_fashion_show

Source: @uk.cops
Off-Screen's Discounts
By: Brian Chan & Roen Wijn
Acquisition Committee
ComedyTrain International Presents: Michelle Buteau
Are you looking for a fun way to start your Christmas holidays? If you are, then you’re in luck! Coming soon on the 22nd of December, head on down to the Toomler Cafe and, for €20,75 per ticket, enjoy a spectacular ComedyTrain performance starring actress and comedian Michelle Buteau. Born in New Jersey to Caribbean parents, in 2017 Michelle was listed as one of ten up and coming comedians to watch by Esquire Magazine. In addition, ... click here!
Ketelhuis viewings
Dutch film is back and better than ever! With new releases such as ‘De Belofte van Pisa’, ‘De Liefhebbers’ and ‘Instinct’ Dutch movies gain more and more popularity among cinephiles! So if you want to know what the fuss is all about, you can visit Het Ketelhuis. Het Ketelhuis is the house of Dutch film, showing films ranging from big commercial films to small documentaries AND partner of Off-screen! Click here!
UvA Update
In collaboration with the Humanities Lab, the UvA Students Career Centre is organising three career workshops students of the Faculty of Humanities. The first one is at the 12th of December and is about 'Discovering what you want in work'. The second is about 'LinkedIn as a tool to find work' and the third is about 'Networking' (and finding your own style in it).
The workshops are free to join for every student but especially relevant for third years and Master students.
Sign up for free and more information can be found here!

Coming up: Off-Screen
By: Sophie Dijkman
In this monthly section you will be informed about what is coming up Off-Screen! Stay up to date on all of our fun media related events, parties and trips. From the themes to the sign-up dates, this update will give you all the information you need for the events. Did anything in the calendar spark your attention? Check out here what is coming up Off-Screen!

Halloween Borrel
By: Noa Jansen & Jessie Swart