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The Yearbook 2018/2019

!Pre-order deadline is 22nd of May 23:59!

Once again the Reporter Committee will provide Off-Screen with a marvellous yearbook to celebrate this academic year. The only chance to lay your hands on the yearbook 2018/2019 is by pre-ordering it, so don't hesitate and order it as soon as possible. 

There really isn't any time left to hesitate, because the deadline for pre-ordering is the 22nd of May 23:59.

Pre-order right here and now!

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The Forecast

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I’m gonna be real with you: Geminis are a goddamn Gemi-nightmare. But Gemini season is actually a pretty lit time if you go along with it. “How?” you might ask. Well, here’s the deal: all that self-awareness that you’ve been building up your whole entire life - now is the time to drop it like it’s hot. Talk like you have a hunch that your vocal chords won’t work tomorrow. Say everything that needs to be said as well as everything that doesn’t. Make people uncomfortable without knowing it. Be as annoying as you truly are and lose that pesky ability to read the room to know when it’s time to stop. This is the season where every homeless person you meet could be an undercover billionaire. 


So: take chances, be obnoxious and wild, don’t take no for an answer. I know it’s hard, I know it goes against everything you have been socialized to do, but think of it this way: Geminis are the most notorious sign of the zodiac and that’s why they know better than anyone that all press is good press. You can rant about them all day long, you can call them every name under the sun but honey, it’s better to be talked about than forgotten. So this Gemini season, I implore you to think of all the things that you missed out on because you were too shy or self-conscious or insecure, and damn them all to hell. This season, shame is not a feeling we’re acquainted with. Shake off the chains of public opinion which you have worn for so long that you take them as a given and dance, baby, dance.

Kat vs Culture



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She was ready for the weed, she wasn't ready for the Normcore...

What makes a person who they are? Is it their actions? Their routines? Their sense of honor? Kant’s second formulation states that one should never treat a person as merely a means to an end, and while that is a lovely thought, perhaps some people are meant to be lost to the background noise of trains and birds and ATM’s. But I’m not about that, so let’s dig into the juicy details of mild annoyances and misunderstandings, let’s find our star-crossed lovers and cashiers and make it all a fable. After all, when every day is Groundhog Day, a girl’s gotta make up her own fun.


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Off-Screen Live Monthly Playlist #7

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I think this is the point of the year where I have to make a confession. The people who know me might be aware of the fact that I spent a long part of my life living in Spain, and that I also travelled a lot to Latin America. What these people might not know is how big the influence of this experiences has been on my music taste. Yes, I absolutely love Spanish and Latin American music. Reaggeton, salsa, bachata… Most of the playlists on my phone are filled with it. I even attended salsa classes for a few years. Of course, there are also other music genres that I really enjoy listening to. So I tried to make a varied lists, with some non-Spanish music in there to.

I first tried to find some songs that really reminded me of my life in Spain, my high school years, my first parties. Some of those songs actually turned out to be so obscure and not wide spread that I could not find them on Spotify. I also added songs that made me remember my travels to Latin America and other places. The kind of songs that when they I hear them somewhere, I immediately have to record them and send them to my friend with whom I travelled for so many months, because they make us both so nostalgic. I have to admit, some of those songs are strange, and only the two of us know why they are so meaningful or funny. Finally, there are some songs too that for me all contain a story of their own, or remind me of a special moment, a long bus ride, a game I used to play with my sister… But if I were to explain all those stories here, this would become a much longer text.

Check out the playlist on the Off-Screen Spotify

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WhatsApp Image 2019-05-20 at 16.50.19 (1

This Month On-Screen

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Every month Bloem and Jonas dive deep into the media realm to present you the best scoops from the month. 

Festivals and Exhibitions:

The month of May brings some spicy Spanish culture and one of the biggest photographic events of the year. I am talking about the Spanish Film Festival and World Press Photo Exhibition. 

What to Watch?:

This month has been a bit slow, all the big movies where released around the Oscars and now we have to work with what we got. There are two movies we are going to look into this month, these movies are the live action remake of Aladdin and the wildy criticized Pokémon Detective Pikachu movie.

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Humans Off-Screen

Off-Screen proudly presents her own podcast: Humans Off-Screen.

In this episode: Yahia Tamer. He is a first years Media & Information student and is from Egypt. How is life there? Why did he have to hide in his house? And what does hash have to do with the Egyptian Revolution? Find out by clicking here. Enjoy it!

Check out the podcast on Spotify and Apple Music

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UvA Update


Extended open office hours study adviser in June


Course registration for 2019-2020 starts on 11 June!

I currently receive many e-mails with the request to schedule an appointment. Unfortunately, the consultation hours are fully booked for the next few weeks. However, extra open office hours are scheduled from 3-14 June. During this period you can walk in without an appointment for quick 10-minute questions or to have your schedule checked. The opening times can be found at the entrance to BG1 at the end of May.

In the event of any urgent and unforeseen situations (e.g., death in the family, operation etc.), send an e-mail to In such cases, we will seek an appointment outside the consultation hours.


Jacqueline Antonissen

Media Studies study adviser

Heads Up

Off-Screen Events May 2019

06  Borrel

08  Off-Screen Film Festival

13  Borrel Off-Screen Bday

20  Borrel

Off-Screen Events June 2019

03  GMA #4 x Borrel

07  CMA #2

14-16 Hitchhiking Weekend

17  GMA #5 x Borrel

19  Focus Festival Off-Screen x Ses x Kleio

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