A new beginning is not always easy, especially when you’re in a new city
where you don’t know anyone yet or during times where most of your
friends are in their home country. The new Covid-19 regulations
might have also set some more obstacles into one's way. So here
are the TOP 5 Ways to Get to Know New People in Amsterdam.
1. Message people on social media: The first dm might be
weird, but don’t be shy, reach out to people! A lot of people
are new here and most of them will be happy to get a
message from you. Tip: @uva.bios posts profiles and
biographies of first year students at the University
of Amsterdam on Instagram. Check out their
profile and make new friends.
2. Go to Off-Screen events: Even though most
of the events are online at the moment, they’re still
very informative, a lot of fun and a great opportunity
to make new friends and get to know fellow
3. Download a dating app: Believe it or not, dating apps can be
of great help to connect with people when you’re in a new city. If
you don’t want to meet anyone in a romantical way, try Bumble
4. Go to the library: There’s not a lot of places to be during these times, but
libraries are still open. Start a conversation with people there. Of course in a
Corona-proof way with lots of distance. An ice-breaker could be: Do you have
some hand sanitizer?
5. Start a conversation with people at the supermarket: We’re all desperate and there’s
probably no 5 legitimate ways to meet people right now, so start a conversation with
strangers in the city or at the supermarket. It might get you into a very awkward situation
but could also be the start of a great friendship. Game suggestion: hold an eggplant, make eye
contact with a person, wink at them and see where it goes (if you actually do this, we want to
hear about it!).
Last week the online Halloween Borrel took place on Discord and we had lots of fun! Apart from talking we could also take part in games, from Among Us to Liq-uor-Treat as well as Trivia! Thanks everyone for coming and, at this opportunity, having a little talk with Off-Screen On-Screen! We got some juicy stories in the Halloween Confessions room - drunken stories of nights out, falling off bikes and little blackouts (we too girl…). Some wild nights were recounted from ski trips and a trip to Paris, as well as nights in Amsterdam - during and after borrels. Everyone showed off their costumes and chugged some drinks. We were shown some crazy artifacts by Luke (a lute with ostrich legs for example) who won the costume contest with his shockingly accurate Jigsaw costume. We’re all looking forward to the next borrel and we hope to have just as much fun as this time around!
Last week the online Halloween Borrel took place on Discord and we had lots of fun! Apart from talking we could also take part in games, from Among Us to Liq-uor-Treat as well as Trivia! Thanks everyone for coming and, at this opportunity, having a little talk with Off-Screen On-Screen! We got some juicy stories in the Halloween Confessions room - drunken stories of nights out, falling off bikes and little blackouts (we too girl…). Some wild nights were recounted from ski trips and a trip to Paris, as well as nights in Amsterdam - during and after borrels. Everyone showed off their costumes and chugged some drinks. We were shown some crazy artifacts by Luke (a lute with ostrich legs for example) who won the costume contest with his shockingly accurate Jigsaw costume. We’re all looking forward to the next borrel and we hope to have just as much fun as this time around!
5 Ways to Meet People
During Corona
By Shina Pieber

Header by Leticia Zanini

Want to re-live all fun Off-Screen memories of when we could still physically meet each other?! Check out the pictures of the Introduction Weekend, Las Vegas Borrel and Comedy Night here!
Want to re-live all fun Off-Screen memories of when we could still physically meet each other?! Check out the pictures of the Introduction Weekend, Las Vegas Borrel and Comedy Night here!

Disclaimer: With a heavy heart the editorial staff of Off-Screen
On-Screen had to let go of our horoscope writer because of budget cuts. This is the last piece she wrote after receiving the news of her dismissal.
Is studying at home a challenge for you? The UvA has created a free workshop to help you overcome this! Sign up via the link above. Next optional dates are Monday 9 November and 23 November from 09:30-10:30.
What is the ascending movement ’Slow Life’ and
why you should consider it for a better life - from
an anxious brain to yours 🙇🏻♀️

Sagittarius: MUAHHAHHAHAH this month you are going to prison!! Your so adored liberty is over now, feeling trapped yet Sagittarius?
Leo: No predictions for you this month. why are you crying? You want some attention??
Aquarius: okay we got it, you are a stone cold as* b….. show us some emotion… seriously, weirdo.
Taurus: your Capricorn friend hates you.
Cancer: we all know this is the worst sign! Come on why would you call it cancer? What happened cancer? You got emotional again?? So predictable.
Capricorn: your Taurus friend thinks you hate them (no idea why :/)
Scorpio: You're not quirky and weird. You are just someone that found an excuse for being an unorganized mess.
UvA Update
By Aaron Eller and Leticia Zanini
By Leticia Zanini

Follow us on Instagram
As the Reporter Committee of this year we have created our own Instagram page, where we will introduce ourselves and post additional information about the newsletter.
Follow us: @offscreen.onscreen

Leticia Zanini

Aaron Eller

Shina Pieber
23 Borrel #6
24 IDFA x Off-Screen
25 Career Workshops
07 Fall into Fall with Off-Screen
09 Borrel #5
16 Online Workshop #1
Coming Up: November
08 Movie Night #2
09 Study Session #2: MIT
02 Party #1 (tbd)
07 GMA #2
07 Borrel #7
Coming Up: December
Since the early 2000s people have been exposed to a humongous (yeah… I just
wanted to use that word haha) amount of information all the time, thanks to the
advancements in media! Now, with a simple movement with your finger you can
have the world’s information, from isolated islands to the amazon rainforest,
which is amazing :) but hold on… I said hold up wait a minute… and you already
know how it goes (in case you don’t, click here :) )what does it do to our brains
and overall quality of life? Because certainly the human brain is not made for
such an overwhelming environment, think about when people felt boredom
without the internet, can you imagine the level of that? Hahah 😰
*nervous laughs*
This overwhelming way of living ends up causing a lot of anxiety on people
and make them a lot of times not be able to focus on one thing at once. For
example, have you ever caught yourself not being able to only focus on a movie
but also having to do something else on your phone? This kind of response is
exactly what triggers the brain to be anxious, when you don’t have a second
activity… overthinking paradise 🌴
So what can be done? That is where the Slow Life Movement shines ✨
Taking it slow, doing things mindfully, meditating. Being able to quiet
your mind and let it be still, being comfortable with being… and that’s
it. Just stop speeding with life, just sit and enjoy this continuous present
moment we call living. I’m not saying anxiety is that simple, but defi-
nitely being calm about it (not anxious) is a great start! I believe in you!
And remember… meditate, get money 💸🕉

Pisces: O.M.G you are such a lunatic!! Yeah yeah… your dreams will come to reality this time… pay attention! Careful not to step and fall while you read and dream about this prediction.
Libra: You know that one time where your friends forgot to invite you to a party. They didn't forget, they just didn't want you there.
Aries: Yes! This time the conflict was not your fault and you were right to react that way! Disagree with me, what are you going to do bully a piece of paper?
Virgo: Your old family recipe for apple pie is a lie. Your grandma has it off the back of a home cook magazine (a cheap one as well).
Gemini: That one kid in school that bullied you was right; you do have a weird annoying laugh.

Pierina Fiestas
Nadia Heemskerk
Merel Clerckx